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Statement of the American Bar Association: ABA stands firmly with statement of Chief Justice John Roberts in rejecting inappropriate calls for judicial impeachment

The American Bar Association stands firmly with Chief Justice John Roberts’ statement rejecting calls by government officials to impeach federal judges who issue rulings with which they disagree.

For more than 200 years, our legal system has afforded individuals the right to disagree with judicial decisions and to appeal them if they are the aggrieved party.

Targeting judges personally or threatening to remove them because they rule a certain way has never been acceptable. Such efforts are intended to intimidate judges and our courts and weaken public trust and confidence in our judicial system.

The ABA remains committed to upholding the rule of law that forms the bedrock of our democracy. The courts are a co-equal branch of our government, and they must be treated that way. Respect for judicial independence is nonnegotiable.

We call upon the government and our elected officials to cease making statements that undermine our fair and impartial courts and the rule of law.

The ABA is one of the largest voluntary association of lawyers in the world. As the national voice of the legal profession, the ABA works to improve the administration of justice, promotes programs that assist lawyers and judges in their work, accredits law schools, provides continuing legal education, and works to build public understanding around the world of the importance of the rule of law. View our privacy statement online. Follow the latest ABA news at and on X (formerly Twitter) @ABANews.

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