
Parliamentary Assembly of the EC in favor of the membership of Kosovo

  • 4/17/2024 12:18 PM
Parliamentary Assembly of the EC in favor of the membership of Kosovo

With today's vote in Strasbourg at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which was described as the penultimate step, the matter now passes into the hands of the Foreign Ministers of the Council of Europe, who must finally decide whether Kosovo will become the next member new European organization for human rights.

The discussion in the Assembly lasted several hours and a large number of EC deputies supported Kosovo's membership in the Council. The rapporteur for Kosovo, Dora Bakoyannis, who drafted the report for Kosovo, said that "during her work, she left no stone unturned in the preparation of the report", adding that with the approval of her report, "despite some shortcomings, Kosovo is a functional democracy", and in this context called on the Council of Ministers to invite Kosovo to become a full member of the Council of Europe.
Dora Bakoyannis said that "her report does not touch the issue of recognition or non-recognition of Kosovo and that this issue should remain the competence of the states". Five states of the European Union still do not recognize the independence of Kosovo.

Serbia against the membership of Kosovo

The Serbian deputy in the Council, Biljana Pantiq Pila, addressing the deputies, said that "the issue of the establishment of the Association of Municipalities with a Serbian majority in Kosovo cannot be overlooked", and according to her, Kosovo cannot be a member.

"You have decided to violate international law. If you allow the so-called Kosovo to join the Council of Europe, without establishing the Association, then the Association will never be established," Pantiq said.

Historical moment for Kosovo

One of the speakers at the Assembly of the Council of Europe, was German MP Frank Schwabe, who after the approval of the report "congratulated Kosovo and called for its full membership in the Council".
Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti assessed the support of the Council of Europe Assembly for Kosovo's membership as a "historic moment in its European journey".

"Today's vote in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe is a proof of our commitment to justice, equality and the basic principles of democracy. Heartfelt thanks to all those who, through a yes vote, supported all the citizens of Kosovo and our cause for rights of man", wrote President Osmani. Prime Minister Albin Kurti hopes that during the month of May the Council of Ministers will finally invite Kosovo to become a member of the EC.

"The Parliamentary Assembly says YES to Kosovo. We are one step closer and only one step away from membership in the Council of Europe. The next and last stage that awaits us is the ministerial one in May. Since since 1951 the Committee of Ministers has not made a decision contrary to the opinion of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, we believe that the next phase will also be completed successfully. However, our work will continue", wrote Prime Minister Kurti.

According to him, "from Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, democracy, the rule of law and human rights will be gained. And with Kosovo there, the Council of Europe will gain a new and vibrant democracy, where the law rules and human rights are respected".

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe supported Kosovo's membership in this organization with a majority of votes. 171 deputies voted in favor, and only 29 deputies were against. Serbia had submitted several amendments opposing the support for Kosovo, but all of its amendments were rejected.(DW)
